Eating Out in Fuengirola

You are spoiled for choice. The town is teeming with restaurants from all over the world. As a general rule of thumb, the nearer you are to the seafont, the more expensive the prices will be - but there are bargains to be had everywhere. These are a few suggestions for places within striking distance of Puebla Lucia.
Lots of restaurants specialise in a menu del dia which is served between mid-day and late afternoon. It's a fixed-price bargain aimed at working people for whom lunch might be the main meal of the day.
Casa Dori
Starter, main course, dessert, wine, and bread for seven Euros. Andalucian dishes, lots of fish, cheap and cheerful; packed out every day; get there before 2.30 pm. Directions: exit Puebla Lucia via main entrance to Paseo Jesus Santos Rein, turn right, twenty metres on right.
La Paz Garrido II
This is the most authentic lunchtime fish experience ever. It's a very simple formula. They just sell fish - of all kinds, raw or cooked on the hotplate a la plancha - and that's it! Spartan accommodation; wine or beer to drink; rapid service; bread the only extra. But you can try mussells, squid, octopus, anchovies - anything that comes out of the sea. Closed in summer. Corner of Paseo Jesus Santos Rein and Avenida de Mijas.
El Candil
The ultimate 'fill your boots' at good value prices. Huge salads (one will do for two people - ask for 'una para dos'); fish and meat courses with routine trimmings; polite Spanish service. Unfortunately, attracts downmarket Euro-bore clientel.
El Caballo
Horse-themed traditional Andalucian restaurant; very popular with Spanish locals; choose meat rather than fish; mid-priced; good service.
Sol y Sombra
Listed in tour guides as a cheap and cheerful workers' kaff - but don't believe it. This place has been through two changes of ownership since then. It's now a comfortable, medium-priced option. Menu del dia about 11 Euros, and an evening special of three courses plus bread and wine for 16 Euros - outstanding value. Good quality cooking, and food presentation standards high, but empty most of the time, and hovering table supervision creates concentration camp atmosphere. Could close or change hands soon. Calle Maestra Angeles Aspiazu.
Los Olivos
Traditional classy service; restricted but good menu; nouvelle cuisine approach; good ambiance; especially good on food presentation; clientele almost all local Spanish.
Fish Alley (Calle Moncayo)
OK - if you must. It runs parallel with the Paseo Maritimo from the port, westward, one line back. The restaurants go up in quality and price as you walk down this Tourist Hell. It starts from Brian and Tracy's pork pie and beans with Sky TV in your face and as many pints of lager as you can drink for tuppence - to quite good fish restaurants at the far end of the street. A tourist trap, best avoided.
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